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Adventure playground Weisland

On the hiking trail between Arzkasten and Holzleiten.

Waldspielplatz Obsteig

A mystical place between shady trees.

What does the children's playground offer?

This creative adventure forest playground in Weisland is located on the hiking trail between Arzkasten and Holzleiten. The children can expect, among other things, climbing frames, carved figures and swings in the form of chair lifts. Even older children will get their money's worth here. There are several benches available for snacks.

How you find the playground

From Gasthaus Arzkasten head north onto the forest path and take the first fork on the left. After a few minutes you reach the beautiful adventure playground with numerous high-quality play stations on a slight climb along the beautiful hiking trail above extensive farm meadows.

Waldspielplatz Weisland


The Gasthaus Arzkasten is right next to the parking lot. You can eat well here and there is a small playground for the children.


For the playground, it's best to park at the Arzkasten hiking car park. This is subject to a fee.

(As of 2024)



Arzkasten 135

6416 Obsteig

Waldspielplatz Weisland

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